Wednesday 30 May 2012

What's your gift?

Some people are good at maths, others music, some can draw anything, some can fix anything, some can write poems, some can cook the most amazing food, and so the list goes on.
It is my firm belief that all of us have been given "gifts" and it's up to us to find out what they are.
Some people's gifts are so obvious and all-consuming that once discovered, there is no choice but for the gifted person to follow its lead. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludvig van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Shakespeare, T.S Elliot, Jesus Christ, to but mention a few..(I'm sure you can add a lot more :) But what about us average people? What if we don't know what our "gift" is? How do we find out and do we really want to, and if we do, do we have to follow its lead?
So apart from arts and science, what can those gifts be? Here are some of my suggestions: hospitality, kindness, compassion, listening, helping, fixing, sharing, leading, following, cooking, mending, sewing, knitting, inventing, recognising gifts in others, making others feel good about them selves, making people laugh, generosity both with money and time, strength, helping people resolve conflicts, being able to be with people without trying to change them, making good coffee(amazing gift for us avid coffee drinkers!)and.................(insert here all those you can think of).................................................................................
                      Actors, musicians, and artists gifts can be very obvious and easy to spot, but how about someone with the gift of listening for instance? Who will notice? Well, all those who experience it. That's the thing with the gifts, they keep giving regardless of visibility to the multitudes. Maybe only your partner/friends/parents/siblings know of your wonderful gift of fixing broken things; I think the important issue is this: when you fix peoples things, how does it make you feel while doing so?
When you are doing the something that you may consider a gift, how do you feel while doing it?
(When I paint I often step into a "zone" void of time restrictions, of outside influences. It's just the "image" and my conscious efforts to translate it from an idea to a reality on the canvas.)
Maybe you say: I don't know that I have any gift at all, my question then is: is there anything that you do in your life that you feel passionate about? If your answer is: "Not really..., I don't know....I'm not sure..." Then may I suggest maybe you try a bit of soul searching, you never know what you may find.....?
Often when we are involved in doing things we feel passionate about, we feel more alive, more energised and fulfilled.
And although it's tempting to believe the 'bigger the gift the better', I believe that ALL gifts are big, invaluable and wonderful.
Many say: "life is short so live it", I agree but want to add: "life is short so live it passionately".

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