Sunday 24 October 2021

Touch comes before sight......

She stepped in to my town house. Took a few steps, had a look around
and then asked: ''Are you a hoarder?''
''A hoarder?'' 
''What makes you think I am a hoarder?
''Well, there's so much stuff in here,'' she answered.
(Well, just so you know, I am not a hoarder. Commonly the first
comment people make when they come here for a visit for the first
time is how cozy and homely the place is/feels.)
Stuff? As in bookcases full with books, walls covered with
paintings, photos, and treasured handmade cards from my son?
Painting stuff such as paints, brushes, canvases, paper,
etc. etc. all neatly stacked on shelves?
Music stuff as in a full-sized electric piano, flutes,
drumsticks, harmonicas and a four speaker 100 watt
sound system?
Or stuff as in the regular stuff; a dinner table and chairs, two 
couches, a coffee table, and half a dozen table lamps?
What makes a home feel like a home?
What makes your home feel like your home?
Some say that a home feels homey when it is filled
with things that we love, with people that we love,
and being at home we feel safe.
Before the dawn of the internet if one wanted to read
something one needed a book, if one wanted to listen
to music one needed a sound system, if one wanted to
enjoy a painting one hung one on the wall, and if one
wanted to play a game one got a deck of cards, 
or grabbed a board game.

These days, all we need in order to read a book, listen to music,
look at a painting or play a game, is an ''i-thingy''.
(as in a smart phone or a smart TV)
We don't need to go to a book store, music store,
art shop/gallery/exhibition, or a store that sells cards and games.
All can be had for free on the internet.
No monetary or human interaction needed.
At first glance perhaps less human interaction may seem 
as a good thing, but according to ''those in the know''
(sociology researchers at the University of Texas for instance)
there is compelling evidence that low quantity
and or quality of social interaction/ties can lead to a host of
health issues.
We may perhaps interact with others more now than ever before,
but research indicates that we do so not eye to eye,
but screen to screen.
But is interaction screen to screen enough for us as humans
to flourish?
As far as I can ascertain, no.
Tactile(tangible/touchable) experiences and human skin to skin
touch is vital for us humans to truly thrive.
Whether we are for example touching a pineapple or someone's hand,
the act of touching gives us valuable sensory data.
Our journey as human beings begins with touch,
and if we are lucky, the touch of a loved one will
see us off when we depart.

We can't, as far as I know, take any ''stuff'' with us when we
leave this mortal coil.
So why do so many of us spend our lives in the
pursuit of more and more stuff?
One reason may be because some stuff can be comforting?
Most of us have a favorite pillow, shoes, pants, 
coffee mug, shirt, jumper, t-shirt, socks, etc. etc. etc.
Why do some stuff become our favorites?
Because we like the feel of them, the touch of them.
(Touch, is one of our primary sensory experiences
and ''teachers''.)
Sometimes I wonder if ''to touch'' is not something that
we just do subconsciously.
For instance: something looks soft, don't you feel
the urge to touch it? You see something smooth
and before you know it you've begun to stroke it?
You find a piece of bubble wrap, and you
just have to pop it?
Even though it is possible to do many, many things
with the help of an i-thingy, why not try the
tactile method now and then?
Touch stuff like a book, a vinyl record, a deck of cards,
a painting, something smooth, something rough,
etc. etc.

''Touch comes before sight, before speech.
It is the first language, and the last,
and it always tells the truth.''
(Margaret Atwood)

about the image: acrylic and ink on wood board
title: Imagine that

Monday 11 October 2021

Can you hear the alarm ringing?

 I am worried.
I am worried about our planet.
I am worried about what mankind is doing not only
to our planet, but to that which we call the Universe.
If earth may be likened to an alarm clock then I believe its
bells are well and truly ringing. Trying to alert us to the fact that 
it's not doing so well.

And what about us? How is mankind doing?
Are we getting any better at getting along with each other?
Are we getting any better at sharing our riches?
Are we getting any better at treating our fellow human beings
with dignity and respect?
Are we getting any better at treating our fellow living creatures
with tenderness and care?
Are we getting any better at taking care of nature's bounty?
Are we getting any better at appreciating and valuing the gift of life?

I am worried about what mankind is doing to itself.
What kind of creatures are we that we are able to ignore
others suffering and pain as long as we are not the ones
doing the suffering?
What kind of creatures are we that we are able to rationale
profit over people?
What kind of creatures are we that we are able to kill
other living creatures and then justify it by using
words such as: protection, defense, preservation, survival?

Mankind, a paradox, a high intellect paired with a tendency
to self-destructive and often violent behaviours?
Mankind, a paradox, a high intellect capable of constructive and innovative
thinking, paired with a tendency to mindless emotional outbursts?
Mankind, a paradox, a high intellect paired with a tendency to
engage in un-intelligent endeavors.
Mankind, a paradox? Full stop?

''I am pessimistic about the human race because it
is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach
to nature is to beat it into submission.
We would stand a better chance of survival if we
accommodated ourselves to this planet and
viewed it appreciatively, instead of skeptically
and dictatorially.''
(E. B. White)

''The salvation of mankind lies only in
making everything the concern of all.''
(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)

''I am worried about mankind, but not without hope.
Because as each new day may present an opportunity for 
wicked deeds, it also presents an opportunity for good ones.''
(Citizen Z)

about the image: ink on board