Monday 24 July 2023

Belief systems, we all have them, but do we know where they come from?

-Mum, there's something you need to see, said my son.
-What? What is it? I said as I stepped out onto the verandah.
-Look. Look up there, he said and pointed to the night sky.
I looked up and saw four red glowing spheres of light
swirling and configuring themselves into different shapes.
The way they moved was really strange. It seemed as
if whatever they were, they did not behave as any kind
of aircraft I had ever seen before.
Soundlessly they hovered, dropped, looped, until
finally they made themselves into a geometric diamond 
shape that they held for a few seconds. And then...they all
took off in different directions and just vanished.
-You saw that, right? my son said.
-Yes, I did, but as to what it was I saw, I have no clue, 
I answered.
The next day I googled numerous sites trying find out
if there were any known aircrafts that could do/behave the
way the red spheres of lights had done, but I found no
I decided to put the experience in the ''too hard'' basket.
Which is where it would have stayed had we not encountered
the very same phenomena just a few weeks later.
This time we were sitting in my car. 
While waiting
for somebody we were giving a lift to, there the red spheres
were again. Just above our heads. They did their ''thing''
and then soundlessly...…vanished.
I have never been into Science-fiction, astronomy, or
cosmology so I have never really spent much time
pondering questions such as: are we alone in the
Universe or are we not?
How do I make sense out of the red glowing spheres?
How do I fit the experiences of them into my belief-system?

We all have belief-systems. We use them to make
''sense'' out of and deal with the world we live in.
A belief-system is an ideology/set of principles/values/morals
that we use in order to help us interpret and understand
 our everyday ''reality''.
In short, a belief-system are the ''stories'' we tell ourselves
about ourselves, about others, and about the world we
live in.
Have you ever found yourself saying ''that's just wrong''
without really knowing why you think so?
Or ''I don't believe that's true'' without really having
considered if you know all the facts?
I am certainly guilty of having done so.
According to those in the know, we develop
our belief-systems during our childhoods, so, long
before we have developed any kind of critical
thinking skills.
For many of us it is during adolescence that most
of us start to question whether we ''believe'' or agree
with the worldview we have been taught by our
families/care-givers, teachers, communities, friends,
etc. etc.
Discovering that we no longer agree with the belief-systems/
''blueprints'' that for years have guided how we
view and experience the world, can be
quite disconcerting and confusing.
 When we go through life experiences that challenge and or
contradict our belief-systems, (cognitive dissonance) we often
try to deal with it by either justifying or rationalizing
 away our unease by altering/adjusting our ''blue-prints''.
However, adjusting/altering our belief-systems is often
tricky and can bring with it a lot of change.
''If I have always believed xyz to be true, if it's not,
what then am I to believe?''

If we are feeling that we're no longer sure of that what
we believe to be true really IS true, may I suggest some helpful
questions we can ask ourselves.

What is the underlying source of my belief?
Do I have any facts or evidence to support
that what I believe to be true is true?
Is what I believe to be true something
I feel or something I think to be true?
Is what I believe to be true something
I want to be true or something I know
to be true due to facts?
If what I believe to be true can be proven
to be false, am I willing to change
my belief?

Personally, I have ventured through a number of 
paradigm shifts (a major change to previously
held concepts) and I'm sure there's more
to come.
Seeing those red glowing spheres of light made
me realize that I had never really contemplated
whether we are alone in the Universe or not.
Or how we determine facts from fiction, 
what we believe from what we know,
what we feel from what we think,
and what we want from what we need.

''External circumstances will not change 
until internal belief systems change.''
(Myles Munroe)

about the image: photo edited in Elements
Will we one day technologize ourselves
so much that one day we will become algorithmically
created creatures void of the one thing
that makes humans humane: The ability to
feel and emphasize with others.

''Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone
in the Universe or we are not. 
Both are equally terrifying.''
(Arthur C, Clarke)

Tuesday 11 July 2023

To love can be painful, and yet, love we must.

-Be still my beating heart and do not break, she whispers
to herself.
She stares at her reflection in the mirror.
Where is it?
Where is the gaping wound that is hurting her so much?
Why can't she see it?
How is it possible to be hurting so much without
there even being the slightest physical sign of a wound, a cut,
or a something....anything?
She moves closer to the mirror and stares into her 
own eyes.
Is this me? Who is me? I don't recognize this face.
Where did I go? 
She closes her eyes. They are burning. Smarting.
She sits down on her bed with a heavy sigh.
-Why do I feel so tired and heavy all the time, she asks herself.
She opens her eyes and looks out through her bedroom window.
Only a thin pane of glass is separating her from a burgeoning
natural world yet she feels unmoved by the cawing birds, 
the swaying trees and the clear blue sky.
I should get dressed, she tells herself.
-Gone are the days when getting dressed was enjoyable, she
mutters to herself. 
Listlessly she opens the wardrobe door.
She grabs her comfy jeans, a white t-shirt and
puts them on.
Her back is aching, she has a searing headache, and
Dressed, she tiptoes down the steps to the kitchen.
Moving as stealthy as possible she turns on the coffee machine,
pours some milk in her Betty Blue mug, heats it in the
microwave and then.......waits for the cat.
-Life sux but fresh coffee makes it suck a little less, she thinks.
Bang. And then a louder bang. Then BANG!
-Hang on Lovecraft, I'm coming, she says to the cat.

Lovecraft gobbles her food and five minutes later she's
back outside again.
Sipping her big mug of coffee she can feel herself
tensing her body. Her heartrate is speeding up, her breathing
getting faster and her anxiousness rapidly rising.
Soon. Soon he will come down the steps and whoever
I am or try to be, I must now... become.
I must become the comforter, the problem solver, the driver,
the parent, the carer, the nurse, the researcher, the
strong one, the patient one, the ever-loving one,
the Mother who never ever gives up on her sick son.
She takes a deep breath and tries to calm.
-Calma, calma, she tells herself.
As she is sipping the last drops of her coffee
he enters the living room.
-Hello, how are you?
-I have hardly slept at all, he says.
-I'm sorry to hear that, she returns.
Groaning in pain as he walks into the kitchen,
he starts to prepare his breakfast.
-Is there anything I can do? she asks him.
-There's nothing anyone can do, he answers.
She wants to scream ''Of course there is!''
but she just shrinks inside herself and remains silent.
She has learnt the hard way that he is not receptive
to ''pep'' talks.

-I need to go to the shops, do you need anything? she asks him.
-Tobacco, can you get me some?
-Sure, I'll get you some.
She grabs her bag and gets into her car.
As she starts driving she decides to drive to
the beach first. 
Sitting in the car parked in front of the majestic Pacific ocean,
she begins to cry. 
Then, with nobody around, 
she screams as loud as she can into the white noise.

To love, can be hard.
    To love, can be painful.
         To love, can be frustrating.
       To love, can be alienating.
         To love, can be debilitating.
     And yet,
     love we must.
(Citizen Z)

about the image: edited photo shot with an old analogue Pentax

*At the moment my son and I are going through an extremely
difficult time. Though this post is deeply personal,
my guess is that there may be some of you who
may be experiencing something similar.
If so, know that you're not alone.