Wednesday 28 June 2023

Living the Blues..........................

The Blues.
Music that comes straight from the inner most
parts of a human being.
''Gimme a pig foot and a bottle of beer'' Bessie Smith
(famous Blues singer)wailed on the old record player(gramophone)
 and from the first time I heard it, I was hooked.

Before there were vinyl records, there were Bakelite
records, also called ''78's''. In Sweden, where
I come from, they were called ''Stone Cake''
Not long before my father passed away he handed
me a box of his prized 78's records.
As I browsed the content of the box, I was
overcome by childhood memories.
Those records are one of the reasons that
at the ripe old age of five, I decided that I was going 
to become a jazz & blues musician when I 
grew up.

Fast forward a bunch of years.>>>>>>>>

When I was doing a stint in the USA some years ago
 performing with some heavy-weight jazz musicians, one
night Cleve(Cleve Eaton, double bassist with among
others Count Basie's Orchestra and Ramsey Lewis)
 looked quizzically at me and asked: -How come a
little blue-eyed, white-haired kid growing up in
the suburbs of Stockholm ''gets'' the blues and jazz?
(I had told him that I had decided as a five year
old that I was going to become a jazz & blues musician.)
-Uhh, I really don't know Cleve, I just know that
from the moment I listened to my dad's old 78's
jazz and blues records, I had found a music that
knew and expressed everything that was 
in my heart and soul.

That's the thing with the Blues, it's raw, it's honest,
it tells it like it is.
Sometimes with words, sometimes with just instruments,
the Blues tells a story.
A story of what it feels like to be a human. 
When we cry when we laugh, when we love
when we grieve, when we're lonely when we're lost,
when we're happy when we're sad.
The Blues reminds us that we're not alone
when we suffer, when we struggle, when we feel
all alone.

''Every bad situation is a blues song
waiting to happen.''
(Amy Winehouse)

As a child, I used to try to get as close to the sound
I made on the piano as I could.
For hours I would press the keys searching for
sounds that responded to and expressed my feelings.
I discovered that music is a wave of emotion and
experiences in sounds that at times couldn't
be described with words.

''Music, [whatever the genre,] expresses that which
cannot be said and on which it is impossible
to be silent.''
(Victor Hugo)

about the images: top: Ink on paper
Billie Holiday, Lady sings the Blues
bottom: Graphite on paper

Thursday 22 June 2023

Light is more than a photosynthesis.........

Have you ever thought about ''light'' and how amazing it is?
I don't mean in a photosynthesis kind of a way, although
that's amazing too, no, I mean in the way light at times
can illuminate something ''ordinary'' in such a way that
it suddenly becomes extraordinary.
Extraordinary beautiful, amazing and enchanting.

Suddenly the rain stopped.
I put down my book on the table.
A sun beam touched my face and made
me look out through the window.
Hanging on to the edge of a leaf was 
a drop of water. Engulfed with sunlight
the drop glistened and sparkled like
the finest crystal. The beauty of that
drop, at that moment, had me breathless.

What I should have done was to grab my camera
and take a picture of it but I was so enthralled that
I just sat there and watched the drop until it fell
off the leaf.
That experience made me realize how beauty can be 
found in the most unexpected places and unexpected

This is a photo of some grass growing on the side
of my entrance. There is nothing special about
the grass, but for a brief second the sunlight fell on it
in such a way that it made it extraordinarily beautiful.
This time, I took a photograph of it.

The top image is a photo of broken pieces of glass
on top of a white chalked wall.
What made me stop and take a photo of those broken pieces, 
was the way the sunlight fell on them.
Somehow a broken beer bottle on a white background
 had become an impromptu, beautiful,
 ''art installation'' in my eyes.

Light is a form of energy, a type of electromagnetic
radiation that allows our eyes to ''see'' things.
However, what we see varies from person to person
as what we see, is filtered through our biases, perceptions
and cultural experiences.
Enjoying an art exhibition with a friend, suddenly before
us was a huge, yellow installation. (Really huge!)
It had an entrance at one end of it so I walked
in to it. As I found my way through it I was filled
with a sense of awe. Actually, I felt as if I had entered some 
sort of a cathedral....a blow-up yellow cathedral 
entirely made out of plastic. 
And the light, mmmm .........the light inside the installation 
was comforting, peaceful and calming. 
I don't really know how much time I spent in the cathedral,
but when I emerged from it my friend
was gone.
Later, when I finally caught up with her, I asked
her what she thought of the ''yellow cathedral''.
-Cathedral? What cathedral? Oh, you  mean that
yellow plastic monstrosity? she said.
Alas, we saw the same thing very differently.

In my view, 
just as light can turn something ordinary into
something beautiful and extraordinary, so can poor/dull/bad 
lighting turn something ordinary into something scary/
If we are seeking to find beauty in the ordinary, 
then a mindset that looks past the obvious subject
matter(thing/person/etc.) is very helpful as is patience and 
a bit of imagination methinks.

Have you ever used a kaleidoscope?
It's quite amazing.
With each turn a new beautiful image appears
as you hold it up to the light.

about the images: photos taken with an old Canon,
 the kaleidoscope image, watercolor on paper
some editing in Elements

Saturday 17 June 2023

Lonely people cast no shadow.............

 ''Les solitaires ne jettent aucune ombre.''
(Lonely people cast no shadow.)

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
not to see them.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
not to hear them.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
to just ignore them.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
to look down on them.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
to misjudge them.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
to forget about them.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
to disregard their tears.

Lonely people cast no shadows.
That's why it is so easy
to dismiss their humanity.
(Citizen Z)

''All the lonely people/Where do they all belong?'' 
Lennon - McCartney ask in their song ''Eleanor Rigby''.
A good question methinks.
Some say that although we may be more ''connected''
now then before we came up with the Internet,
paradoxically, we are apparently also lonelier.
According to Dr. Elias Aboujaoude, a Stanford University
psychiatrist: ''Internet-related technologies may give us
the perception of connectedness, the truth however he says,
is that the time and energy we spend on social media etc. comes
with the cost of missing out on more genuine and supportive
Numerous studies have found that spending a lot of time on
 social media can lead to feelings of depression, inadequacy
 and isolation as we compare our lives with everyone 
else's carefully edited versions.
Due to my son's illness I find myself spending a lot
of time in a variety of waiting rooms.
Doing so I have noticed that I am usually the only
one not scrolling or browsing (on) my phone.
I may be wrong, but sometimes I wonder if it is not
possible that our phones may create invisible barriers,
''bubbles'', which makes it possible for us to 
remain in our own ''worlds'', oblivious/unaware of 
the many splendored activities and bustling ''life'' that's
taking place everywhere, all the time, and all around us.

There are many places where we have to wait for our
At the shops, in banks, the dentists, the doctors, in hospitals,
in restaurants, in coffee shops, at the movies, at the bus stop
the train station, the airport etc. etc. etc.
Could these places not be viewed as excellent opportunities
for making new connections?
For making someone ''visible'' who may be feeling invisible?

The barista handed me my coffee. I still had half an hour to
kill. I scanned the food court and noticed an elderly woman
sitting alone slowly stirring her hot drink and staring into
nowhere. There was an air of sadness about her.
I decided to overcome my shyness and say something to her.
-Do you mind if I share this table with you? I asked.
-Please do, she said and then continued: -I haven't
spoken to a soul for days and I could do with a bit of
Although once having been rebuked by someone for
starting conversations with ''strangers'', I have decided
that there are no strangers only potential friends
 I'm yet to meet.

''One of the most important things you can do on this earth
is to let people know they are not alone.''
(Shannon L. Alder)

about the image: graphite on paper, some editing in Elements
Oh, the reason for the French title is that I met a nice
 French speaking woman while waiting for my
son to have an ultra sound done on his heart. 
She translated it for me and it just sounded soooo good.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Fear is temporary, regret forever......................

''Fear is temporary, regret is forever.''

''I can't do it, it's too scary'' the little boy cried.
The father tried to comfort and encourage the boy as best he could
to help the boy overcome his fear.
Suddenly the boy's older sister(about 11-12) kneeled next to
the boy and whispered in his ear: ''Fear is temporary, regret
is forever. You can do this.''
Young as the boy was, somehow those were the words
he needed because he stopped crying, stood up straight and then
went to face his fear. 
What the little boy did was amazing. Strapped into a harness
he climbed up a 10 meter skinny pole until he reached the top.
Balancing on the very small platform at the top he took a
deep breath and then with outstretched arms...... he jumped.
Wow!! Watching this unfold on the TV I felt touched
by the little boy's bravery and his sister's words...
etched forever in my memory.

Recently I heard a man say: ''Fear, although we often equate it 
with being a ''bad'' emotion, is foremost, ......just information.''
Is it though? Just information?
Hmm, I'm not so sure.
Fear may be information as to that it informs us that danger
is coming our way. It also informs us to take action as in; flight,
fight, play possum/freeze(dead) or try to appease/placate
our way out of danger.
However, having pondered this for a while, it dawned on me
that fear can also be defined as ''an unpleasant emotional response 
triggered by the perception of danger/threat,
 real or as imagined.''
How does one physically fight or flee from a perceived threat?
For those of us suffering with GAD(generalized anxiety disorder)
 PTSD, panic attacks and or other anxiety related issues, fear
in my view, is much more than information.
When in the grips of it(fear) it can make us feel dizzy, find it hard to
breathe, feel as if we have lost control of our minds, bodies and
grasp of reality.
Everyday there are people rushed to hospital thinking that
they are having heart attacks only to be told by the doctor 
that they are just having a panic attack.
Just? For those of us who have experienced a panic attack,
or a PTSD attack, there is nothing just ''just'' about it.
It's terrifying.
But, and this is good, there things we can do to
better learn how do deal with and manage our fears.
Waking up in fright one night, heart pounding and mind
racing my ex partner sat up in bed, looked at me sternly
 and then said: ''What's the time? Ah, 4:15 in the morning.
So, right now, is there anything you can do about what is
making you so anxious?''
-No, I guess.
-Well then, as you can't do anything right now about it,
go back to sleep and then when you can actually do something,
do it.
And with those words my ex went back to sleep.
Those words have helped me through many, many,
many dark and stormy nights.
When worry comes knocking on the door, send logic to
answer it, I have deduced.
Right now my son and I are going through a very difficult
and worrisome time which at times fills both of us with
fears of all kinds. In desperation one night searching for something to
say to my son that could help calm him I paraphrased
my exe's words: ''It's night right now, everything is closed. 
First thing tomorrow we'll sort it, okay?''
Logic before emotions. My son calmed.

Fear, whether perceived or actual, feels real.
Through the years I found a few helpful questions
to ask myself if I am panicking or overly worried
that I would like to share with you.
Do I have any evidence that what I am fearing
is based in reality?
Am I safe/in a safe place right now?
Have I dealt with something like this before
and successfully overcame it?
Right now, is there something I can do 
that will help me?

Fear is temporary, regret is forever.
If fear comes knocking on your door,
send hope and faith to answer it.

Anne Frank, was a Jewish young girl who lived in
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, during the Nazi occupation.
On her 13ths birthday she was given a diary which
she brought with her when she and her mother
went into hiding in an attic.
For the duration of her time in the attic she
wrote down her thoughts and experiences
in her diary.
Amazingly, although going through such an extremely anxious
and life threatening situation, her diary is full of
hope and a zest for life.

''How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to change the world.''

''Despite everything I believe that people
are really good at heart.''

''In the long run the sharpest weapon of all
is a kind and gentle spirit.''

Unfortunately, her hiding space was discovered and not long
before the war ended so did Anne's and her mother's lives.
Fortunately for us, a friend managed to save her diary
and by publishing it, her diary/book can be read by anyone
who is interested. (The Diary of a Young girl)

''The final forming of a person's character
lies in their own hands.''

about the image: ink on canvas
all quotes by Anne Frank