Monday 21 May 2012

Get real!

Have you ever had ideas, dreams, desires and such shot to pieces by someone saying: "That sounds good, but it wouldn't work in the real world." Or : "some of us have to live in the real world", or: "in the real world, people work for a living." So what exactly is the real world one may ask. Seems it's somewhere we are all supposed to be and where real life takes place, real people doing real tasks.
Real as opposed to imagined, make-believe or virtual. In the real world there are no pixies, leprechauns, trolls or Harry Potters. In the real world there are taxes, births and deaths. In the real world we rely on our sense-data; a thing is real if we can touch, smell, hear, see, taste it. Or we observe it in a laboratory, poke it, prod it, measure it, etc.etc. then we make a conclusion. So we know what real is; ........... its just that real seems to have moving goal posts to me.
They used to say that the earth was flat; that was real. They used to say humans can't fly; that was real. They used to say bad blood makes a person sick so lets drain; that was real. They used to say a human can't go to the moon; that was real. They used to say there's nothing faster than the speed of sound; that was real. They used to say that nothing can be in two places or be two different phenomenon at the same time; that was real. And so it goes.....see what I mean, moving goal posts..
So, it occurs to me that what is real is in a state of flux, and the concept pretty malleable. Leonardo da Vinci ignored those who told him to be real, so did the Wright brothers, Einstein, Newton, Columbus, Heisenberg, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, and all other "dreamers and visionaries" who moved the goal posts. Scientists have been working on a "A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory" which will explain all physical phenomena and how it all hangs together; whats really real so to speak. we want to know? Knowing everything, is that really a plus?
I guess it would give us some kind of control and sense of certainty, but is that what we want or need in life? Yes, some will say, no some, and maybe, or I don't know. That's the great thing, we are all so very different and we all inhabit our own very special realities.
What about adding this affirmation to our vocabs: Get creative!
The ability to adapt has kept mankind going, and to adapt one needs an ability to create, and to create something from nothing, one needs to see things as real before they are. "If you can imagine it, you can make it" someone said.  Well, that's all well and good, you may say, "but someone has to clean the cities, count the money, build the houses, grow the food, nurse the sick, drive the vehicles, etc.etc" and I agree, those are all important jobs. I just wonder if there's not room for dreamers and visionaries as well ? We do need stuff for our bodies, but don't we need stuff for our souls and minds as well? I mean if theres a "real" world, does that necessarily mean we can't have a "creative" one at the same time? Perhaps there is room in our world for all; dreamers, visionaries, artists, as well as builders, accountants, doctors, etc. without attaching more value to either? After all, we travel by planes made by "real" people with "real" jobs, but invented by people who imagined, envisioned the very possibility of such to start of with.

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