Monday 2 June 2014

Pondering seasons............

After; Summer is over, autumn is here, the shadows are longer, the air is clear.............................
Umber; once so very yellow, red blue and green, plants change their colours, a marvellous scene
Tender; conducive to thought, mellow the light, fresh the winds, cool the nights..........................
Undeniable; spectacular the change, hard to deny, an artists palette, a Van Gogh sky...................
Melancholy; leaves fall, nights grow longer, winds blow, mood becomes sombre........................
Numerous; days of rain, clouds and thunder, migrating birds, leaves in umber.............................

White; the colour that covers, the colour of snow, sub zero temperatures and further below
Inside; warm open fires, muted tones, layers of clothing for freezing bones........................
Nights; all so long and so very dark, flickering candles, that barely makes a mark...............
Tradition; once a year, on a midnight clear, gifts exchanged carried by a deer.....................
Ennui; longing for the sun and clear blue skies, white fluffy clouds and strawberry pies.....
Reminiscing; another year gone where did it go, vanished forever in life's ebb and flow.....
Sensation; gone is the white, replaced with colour, warming winds; its almost summer....
Plentiful; manifestations of budding new life, mother nature, endures the strife.................
Revitalised; the frozen lakes, the frozen earth, the barren trees, a hopeful birth..................
Intense; the rays of the sun on uncovered skin, the sound of the lark as she begins to sing
New born; from under the cover, sprouts a new flower, all dressed in blue, just for you....
Glad; the cold is gone, the days are longer, more time to spend, more time for wonder.....
Sun; loose fitting clothes, uncovered feet, picnics and games, sweltering heat..............................
Under cover; umbrellas and hammocks, big shady trees, awnings, tarpaulins, under we squeeze 
Melting; ice creams and sundaes, chocolates and sweets, gone in a flash, gone in a beat..............
Mesmerising; a wide open ocean, slow rolling waves, shimmering lights, summer haze..............
Enchanting; long summer nights, summer romance, walks in the evenings, a meeting by chance
Relaxing; days off work, an afternoon sleep, a swim in the ocean, no time to keep......................

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