Saturday 14 June 2014

In the dock, the accused: Mankind........

The courtroom was filled to the brim.Yet there was no sound.
In the dock, the accused: Mankind
For the prosecution: Existence
For the defense: Human Being X
The Judge: The Unknown.
Witnesses: The animals of land and water, the winged creatures of the air, the inhabitants of the micro cosmos, the rivers, the oceans, the forests, the lands, the mountains.
"Let us begin", said the Unknown. Prosecution, bring your first witness."
"Judge, for my first witness I call the animals of land and water," said the Prosecutor.
"Now, animals of land and water, is it your testimony that the Accused has and still is destroying your habitat with indiscriminate pollution, hunting, and decimation of your offspring?" asked the Prosecutor.
"Yes, it is", said the Lion speaking on behalf of the animals of land and water.
"On the behalf of my brothers and sisters of land and water, I can attest to the fact that the Accused with her desire for control and self-interests continuously keeps killing us off in her pursuit for more: more space, more food for her own offspring, for what she calls "sport", for our coats, for whatever she thinks may be beneficial to her and hers; she kills many of us out of ignorance and without a deeper understanding of how her actions will affect all that is alive."
Defense Counsel; (Human Being X), slowly walked up to the Lion still in the witness seat and asked: "Is it not true that many of you animals on land and in water kill each other? Do not many of you fall into the category of either predator or prey? Does not the cycle of life include dying? Is not the culling of the weak and sick a way to keep many of your species strong and healthy?"
The Lion slowly shook his head then answered: "The culling of the weak and sick, as you call it, is your interpretation of our cycle of life. If we kill, we never do so for any other reason than that life requires it. Us animals of the land and water; different to you; do not cull off your young and weak, we do not throw large nets over your villages and homes and with one tug kill all caught. We do not hunt with unfair advantage, we hunt using our own strength, instincts and intuition. Besides, many of us do not hunt, many of us peacefully graze and live in harmony with our brothers and sisters."
Next to be called to the stand: The winged creatures of the air, represented by the African Grey Parrot.
"Now, Parrot, is it your testimony that the Accused has caged and kept you and many of your fellow creatures of the air hostage for millenniums?
"Indeed, not only caged us, but also stuffed us, breed us on huge farms, killed us for fun and sport, not to mention those of us raised for only the purpose of being egg producing machines" answered the Parrot.
"Defense, what is your response?", asked the Judge.
Human Being X: "But there are so many of you winged creatures, what difference would the death of a few of you make?"
The Parrot looked at the Defence Counsel with sadness in his eyes and then answered: "Not so many of us any more. Many of our voices have been silenced for ever."
Next we call the Cockroach to the witness stand to represent the Micro Cosmos.
"Now, Cockroach, is it true that the Accused view your existence as a scourge, a pest, a carrier of disease and without point to your existence?" asked the Prosecutor.
"Yes, Prosecutor, not only my kind, but many of my fellow Micro Cosmians. As the Judge knows, and also you Prosecutor, we each have a function and a purpose to our existence although it seems that the Accused has been slow in grasping this," answered the Cockroach.
At this the Defense stood up and began: "What is your purpose? You carry diseases, you multiply at an exorbitant rate, you putrefy food sources, you sting, you bite, some of your fellow Micro Cosmians even kill."
"Human Being X, we do what we are supposed to do, and if we did not, life itself would not be sustained. We also belong to the cycle of life, we all share the same planet, each with our special contributions," said the Cockroach.
"Next, I call to the stand: The rivers, the oceans, the forests, the lands, the mountains represented by the Eagle, who soars above and with her keen eyes views it all," said the Prosecutor.
"What have you observed Eagle?" asked the Prosecutor.
"I have observed Prosecutor, that there are less and less great creatures gracing the oceans, less and less fish, less and less corals, less and less of the many and varied species that for eons have inhabited the oceans. I have observed that the forests are decimated, cut down, ravaged by fires and logging. I have observed that the lands are becoming barren, depleted, yielding less and less of its fruits. I have observed that there are large spaces where tents and ramshackle structures are erected for miles on end on grounds that are all but dead. I have observed where once blankets of ice covered the mountains, there now is less and less, and in some places; none. I have observed that the air has grown heavy and I have to soar higher and higher to avoid losing my breath.
After the Eagle had finished stating his observations a heaviness descended on the courtroom.
All eyes fell on the defense counsel; Human Being X.
"Now then, Defense, what is your response to the observations of the Eagle," asked the Judge.
The Defense counsel remained silent for many minutes then spoke: "Eagle, have you also observed the many wondrous creations of the Accused? Have you seen the many magnificent structures the Accused has made such as for instance the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the many Churches, Cathedrals, Temples? Did you observe the many Institutes for higher learning, for the treatment of the sick, the many Galleries and Museums displaying the Accused's creativity through a multitude of expressions? Did you hear music, one of the Accused's most creative contributions? Did you observe what the Accused calls "Art" and "Culture"? Did you observe those of the Accused who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of preserving the animals of land and water, the winged creatures of the air, the inhabitants of the micro cosmos, the rivers, the oceans, the forests, the lands, the mountains?"
The Eagle responded: "Yes, Human Being X, I observed those things too, but I believe that the Accused can do better. The Accused is guilty of inflicting great harm on our shared living space."
After the Eagle spoke those last words the sadness in the court room was palpable.
Neither Defense or Prosecutor had any words to offer.
The Judge finally spoke.
"This planet named by the Accused "Earth", is the shared living space for the animals of land and water, the winged creatures of the air, the inhabitants of the micro cosmos, the rivers, the oceans, the forests, the lands, the mountains, but also the Accused. Although there are many accounts that speak against the Accused and may weigh heavily on the side of the Prosecution; even to the extinction of the Prosecution itself; the Accused is capable of introspection and so also correction.
The Accused although at times very destructive, belligerent, and ignorant to the utmost extent, is also capable of great creativity, imagination, and compassion. The Accused perhaps unlike many other creatures on Earth are capable of conscious change; the Accused through different methods has the ability to gain insight and in doing so can change destructive behaviours to constructive behaviours.
A correction of behaviour is called for as attested to by the many witnesses; so this is the verdict of the court. All rise: Accused, you are found wanting in your treatment of Earth and is hereby instructed to change your behaviour immediately. You are ordered to change the way you treat the animals of land and water, the winged creatures of the air, the inhabitants of the micro cosmos, the rivers, the oceans, the forests, the lands, the mountains, you are to regard them with the same respect, care, and compassion that you have for yourself. Bearing this in mind; all life is precious."
Bang! went the gavel.
"All rise."

"The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give." (Prince)


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