Sunday 5 May 2024

Cats are not reserved...they are thinkers.......

My son is somewhat of a cat whisperer.
No matter where he lives, cats seem to
always find him.
It started when he was about six-seven years old
when suddenly a ''tabby'' showed up at our doorstep
and it is still happening.
Due to health issues my son lives with me and
since he moved back in with me, there is a steady
stream of cats coming and going here.
He only owns one cat but every day he feeds at 
least two or more visiting cats.
His own cat goes by the name ''Lovecraft'' in 
honor of the author H. P. Lovecraft, an American
writer of horror/fantasy/science fiction.
Since we brought her home she continues to mystify
and intrigue us. 
''A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings,
for one reason or another, may hide their feelings,
but a cat does not.''
(Ernest Hemmingway)
Lovecraft, like many cats, is immune to any attempts
at being controlled, told when to be affectionate, or to
be interested in what us humans want from her.
What I have discovered however, is that although
a cat can't be ''controlled'', Lovecraft has shown me that
a cat can be taught, instructed and encouraged to
adopt certain behaviours. (Well, most of the time.)

When it comes to pets, I often hear people refer to
themselves as either a ''dog person'' or a ''cat person''.
There is research to support the notion that there is a link
between some personality traits and the type of domesticated
(or not) animal a person prefers.
In a study done at the Carroll University, Wisconsin,
a survey done on 600 people showed that people who
viewed themselves as ''dog lovers'' tended to be
''energetic and outgoing'' and followers of rules.
''Cat lovers'' tended to be open-minded, sensitive and
introverted. They also tended to be non-conformists and
scoring higher on intelligence tests.

''I have lived with several Zen masters - - all of them
cats.'' (Eckhart Tolle)

''Time spent with a cat is never wasted.'' (Colette)

My son, who is a ''cat person'' often points out to me
how cats are often portrayed (especially in movies/films/cartoons)
as evil/cruel and undeserving of love,
while dogs are often portrayed as man's best friend and
they all ''go to heaven''.
Though there may be many of us who view ourselves
as animal lovers, an exorbitant number of cats and dogs, 
kittens and puppies, are killed every day by us humans.
Not to mention the number of different species of animals
 that are abused and neglected all across the globe.

''Little One'', a beautiful black and white male cat first appeared
 here a few years ago barely alive. Scared, small, super skinny, and
obviously on his own, he just showed up on our verandah
one day. My son gently coaxed him closer and fed him,
and have continued to do so ever since.
I named him ''Little One'' because of the at that time three
other cats that my son was feeding, he was the smallest one.
The others my son named Ginger, Meow, and Buddy.
Little One and Lovecraft are now ''friends'' after a
 somewhat shaky start.

Introversion, whether in relation to cats or people is often
described as being reserved, unfriendly, and or anti-social.
Extroversion on the other hand, whether in relation to dogs 
or people, is often described as being social, outgoing, and open.

Let me offer a different way of defining those terms.

An introverted person/cat-person, re-energizes him/herself by
by spending time alone.
An extroverted person/dog-person, re-energizes him/herself
in the company of others.

There is much to appreciate about the dog who loves
going for walks, who loves playing with you, and is
willing to do as you ask with unrelenting loyalty.
But so is:
There much to appreciate about the cat who sleeps on
your lap, who cleans itself regularly, who keeps your
home free of mice, who eats the food you give him/her
by choice but not by need.
And when so inclined, can be sensitive, intuitive and
very affectionately comforting.

''Dogs come when they are called; cats take a message
and get back to you later.''
(Mary Bly)

''Feed a dog and it thinks you're a God.
Feed a cat and it thinks it is God.''

about the image: charcoal and ink on brown paper
some editing in Elements
''Kittens can see your heart''

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