Tuesday 14 May 2024

Mind wandering in the dark.......

Suddenly the whole house went dark and silent.
I knew it was going to happen since it sounded as if the
storm was about to not only steal my umbrella, but also my
roof tiles and outdoor furniture.
(When it's ''windy'' here, usually numbers on the Richter scale
are involved.)
With the house in total darkness my very familiar and
cosy home turned in to unfamiliar territory with
boobytraps everywhere.
In the pursuit of a torch or at least a candle, I kept
bumping in to this, that and everything.
(This was before phones came with a torch mode.)
Finally, fumbling about in the ''tools'' drawer, I found
an old torch and though it kept ''blinking'', I  could
at least use it to find the box of candles that I
knew that I had put on a shelf in the pantry.
Now, where were the matches? ;)
With a few candles lit and placed in the kitchen and
 living room, the unfamiliar became familiar again.
With nothing else to do, I sat down on my couch
and just watched the flickering candle on the table.
Outside the wind was still roaring and now and then
the odd broken branch would come crashing down
on the verandah.
My mind started to wander and I found myself
pondering what it was like before the invention of 

My wandering mind:
It seem to me that when we started to light up the world
it must have had a rather intrusive affect on animals and
other living creatures. Not only from a visibility point
of view, but also from a noise point of view.
What we(humans) call ''enlightenment'' may from the
point of view of flora and fauna perhaps be experienced more as
 bewilderment, and as a risky
 and an exponentially hazardous living environment.
As we keep on expanding our ''living space'' I believe
that we are too noisy,
we are too self-serving, we are too discriminatory, we are too blunt,
and we often think short term rather than long term.
(I dare not even imagine how bad may be the damage we are
causing flora and fauna as we chase after MORE.)
If mankind was to be put in the dock as accused of
endangering the life and continued existence of 
the animals of land and water, the winged creatures
of the air, the inhabitants of the micro cosmos, the
rivers, the oceans, the forests, the lands, the mountains,
how would mankind respond?
''-It seemed a good idea at the time?''

Our planet is trying to tell us to change our ways.
If earth quakes, tsunamis, El Niño's, El Niña's,
hurricanes, droughts, floods, blizzards, etc. etc.
is not getting through to us, what will it take?
 me wondered.

Suddenly the TV sprang to life, the lights came on
and my mind wandering came to a stop.
I blew out the candles.
I walked over to the tea kettle, flung a bag in a
mug and poured in some milk.
As soon as the water boiled I filled the mug
and walked back to sit down on the couch.
 I turned off the TV and all the lights.
I lit the candles again.
As I did this, I noticed that the wind had stopped.
I decided to be brave and embrace the gentle lights
and the soothing sound of silence.

about the top image: all done in Elements on a Wacom tablet
second image: water colour on paper and a real band-aid
plaster stuck on top

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