Saturday 23 June 2012

Words as currency

What if we were to think of words as currency?
When we think or speak, we deposit or withdraw our "currency" from the "bank"(our emotional account); i.e. our own or others.
Let's say some one says: "that was an awesome job you did"! I would consider this a deposit. Someone else says: "You could have done that much better"! this I would then consider a withdrawal.
Of course there are things we say that are not so clear cut such as: "That's not how I would have done it, but good job none the less". So, maybe that could be considered a deposit in the form of a check waiting to be cleared?
Our thoughts about ourselves, the way we speak to ourselves, follow along the same lines. Have you ever said to yourself: "You idiot, why did you do that"!......big withdrawal.
Some of us make many small withdrawals from our emotional bank many times a day, but we just don't notice doing it.
Such as: "it's gotta be perfect, only the best will do, don't mess it up like you usually do, now you've done it, why cant you.....? why do you always....."? No wonder we feel empty at the end of a day if we make continuous withdrawals from our positive regards account....:)
What about others, what if others say those things to us?  I believe that nobody can make a withdrawal from our account without our permission for them to do so.  If someone says to you that you have no chance of making it, but you think you do, no withdrawal, if on the other hand you agree, then you have given the other the permission for a withdrawal. For some of us, our accounts of self-esteem/positive self regard, may be quite depleted and every withdrawal may threaten it's existence which makes it important for us to be aware of the withdrawals we make.
How? Test the validity of the words, question whether they ring true with you or not.
What about deposits? What if someone says "I admire your courage" for example, do we question the sincerity? I think we need to be cautious with both encouraging and discouraging words, I mean,
who wants a check to bounce?  Intent can easily be disguised but usually we can feel when people are sincere or not with the help of our subconscious which often picks up on inconsistencies.
So if words are likened to currency, we deposit and withdraw; can we establish credit?
Maybe we can. Do we not give credit to our friends, family, partners etc. all the time?
Ex: "You know how much I love you, that's why I have to tell you......." There is an established emotional account from which others are allowed to make withdrawals, because they have deposited much positive regard and vice versa. Which in no way means we use any words we like without consideration of how they affect the other, rather the opposite, we have to be careful as to not make a withdrawal when our intention is to make a deposit.
There's an old saying: "Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me" which to me seems the wrong way around; "sticks and stones will hurt your bones, but words may brake you".
I guess the question to ask oneself is, when I speak with others, do I want to make a deposit or a withdrawal?

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