Sunday 17 June 2012

What if...musings on what could be..

I've been thinking about what it is to be human.
I've been thinking about all the beautiful, joyful, wondrous, amazing phenomenon available to us.
I've been thinking about what would happen in today's society, this culture, this environment, these times, if a prophet, a sage, a Buddha, a Jesus, or other wise person came along.
How would he/she speak to us? What language would be used? Would he/she walk down Downing Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, Champs Elysse`, or any other main street in any major Capitol, barefoot and wearing a long flowing robe? Could he/she sit at the foot of an 80-storey building and wait for enlightenment? Carrying a cross on his/her back, would anyone notice? Standing on a busy
street corner and screaming "The end is near!!", would anyone listen?
While some parts of the world still walk "bare feet", other parts are so alienated from their inner lives that even if Buddha, Jesus, or any other wise prophet or sage walked among us, we would probably just call such a person crazy or words to that effect. The police would promptly be called  and the "messenger of the Metaphysical/prophet" carted away to be placed somewhere far away from "normal" people, the pervading philosophy being that "crazy" is contagious, so we can't take any risks, we must lock him/her up for everyone's protection.
I've been thinking about the possibility of what we call "reality" being an illusion, and if it is, what do we do?
Do we run for the mountains, the forests, the jungle, Alaska, etc.etc. or is there a "last" frontier to run to?
When we have used up all the bountiful's our planet have given us, what then?
There are billions of us humans on top of a shallow crust of a spinning globe competing for water, food and shelter. A small blue and green planet hanging in universe, a mere dot in a space with no end.
I've been thinking about what would happen if all those who seek peace and enlightenment, freedom and love, found it and then shared it with all.
I've been thinking about gratitude.
I've been thinking about clear blue skies, marsh mellow clouds, sparkling  stars, majestic trees, golden fields, life giving water, spectacular mountains, feathered and fured animals.
I've been thinking of music, words and images.
I've been thinking about how in the absence of a "prophet or some such" telling us that "the end is near"
every moment of living offers us
unlimited possibilities
to be peacemakers, to share our wisdom's and insights with those willing to listen,
to love unconditionally,
and to handle our globe of blue and green
with care.

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