Saturday 9 June 2012

How to find stillness in an increasingly hectic world

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming of being somewhere else? Have you ever felt you wish you could you find a nice still place to which you could escape and just peel off your stress like some old clothes? Have you ever thought: "If I could just find a nice quiet place to think, I could work out what's going on in my life?"
Being able to finish a thought, even just a sentence, can be difficult at times I find. There is so much happening in all dimensions all at once, that it can be hard to hear even your own thoughts.
"It's in stillness the greatest thoughts are born" some wise person has said, and maybe there is something profound in that, maybe we shouldn't take stillness for granted, perhaps we need to treasure it if we manage to find it. How often do we take the time to just think about things, to allow time for that wonderful brain of ours to really ponder and follow through all the options it uncovers for us?
How many times in a day do we say: "Sorry, not yet, I haven't had the time to read, write, check, type, etc...yet"
Is it a question of time management, or maybe priorities, perhaps just whether we feel like it or not?
I have read that continuously interrupting someone "trying to think"  is very destructive for the person being interrupted, as well as unsettling. Imagine that someone asks you a really tricky question, what's the first thing you need to do? You need to think about it. Now, imagine as you start to think about your answer, someone blows a imagine that every time there's enough stillness for you to begin your thinking process again, (like a house of cards blown over, you pick up those thoughts again)you start to form an idea, the foghorn goes off again..
I believe we need stillness, stillness is not the absence of something, stillness is the phenomena, the environment in which we can scrutinise, observe, and test our thoughts without interruptions.
Or maybe just let them pass through, observed but not handled,
like clouds floating by, acknowledged but not attended to.

"In the midst of chaos and movement, keep stillness within" (Deepak Chopra)
"When you lose touch with inner stillness you lose touch with yourself." (Eckhart Tolle)

Some say to sit down and wait for your soul, maybe we can add, be still and listen for your thoughts?

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