Sunday 2 October 2022

In the words of a child............

 Dear God,
I hope you'll listen to me although I'm just 7 years old.
You see, I am very worried about so many things. 
I am worried about my brother who is not feeling
the best. I love him the most in the whole world.
He is my best friend. He doesn't think that I'm
strange or anything. He doesn't say mean things
to me or take my things from me.
Why God do the other kids do that?
Why are they so mean to me? What's so wrong
with me that no one wants to be my friend?
I don't understand. 
I also don't understand why the teacher doesn't
stop the other kids from saying mean things
to me. And, and, why tell me why, it is so
hard to tell my mum how much I hate school?
Well, maybe not hate, but it hurts so much
to always eat lunch alone and have no one
to be with.
I try to pretend that I don't hurt always 
having to walk home from school alone
or having to run fast so the others don't
hit me or push me.
And why, tell me why do I feel so sad
in my heart all the time?
Sometimes I just want to scream and throw
things but something inside of me tells me
that I can't do that.
Why is that?
I'm writing these things because today the 
teacher told us about you.
She said that you are like a dad in the sky
and that you love everyone.
But if that's true how can I know?
If you love everyone why are there so many
angry people doing mean things?
I know that I'm just a little kid and that there
are many things I don't understand yet but
I would really like it if you could please make my
brother feel good.
And if you could make the mean kids be nicer to me
I would really like that too.
The teacher said that you hear when we 
talk to you. But I feel silly just talking out loud
so that's why I am writing it instead.
But where do I send my letter?
My head hurts just wondering about these
I hope that somehow you will show me
that you have heard my words.
I could do with a good friend.

Children need us grownups to see them
and make them feel safe to tell us
what's on their minds.

about the image: ink on paper

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