Sunday 5 August 2012

In search of joy

What exactly is "joy"? Very hard to define it seems. After a concerted effort to find a definition that reflected something "joyous" about the word, I had to concede....I couldn't really find one. Happiness, pleasure, delight, euphoria etc.etc. seemed to me too "small". The word "joy" for me has something transcendent about it, but also a lingering quality. It crosses the boundries of time constraints like a fragrant mist, it permeats, soothes and lay open the land of possibilities and hope. How do we find joy, do we really need it, or is joy just an illusion?
Many of us seek happiness, contentment, love, fulfillment, meaningful activities, a wish for our loved ones to be healthy, a peaceful co-existence with our fellow humans and so on, maybe we experience joy when such pursuits have come to fruition? Is joy nebulous or is it something us humans have to work on to achieve? Maybe we have to start with defining for ourselves how we personally experience joy; holding one's first born in one's arms, enjoying the many wonders of nature, loosing oneself in music, learning something new, travelling, making things, sharing a meal with good friends, spending quality time with family, to mention but a few suggestions.  Perhaps for some of us it is easier to identify what doesn't bring us joy?
Everyday we get reminded of the many ills in this world. We encounter it through newspapers, News on TV, Podcasts, Radio...basically we are continously reminded of it. Media at times can overwhelm us with information about man's inhumanities, natural catastrophies, murders and mayhem, melting polar ice and an expanding whole in the ozone layer, in short, there is much to be concerned about.
And concerned we are, some of us so much that joy is not in our vocabulary, little less something we ponder on as to whether we experience it in our lives or not.

Is there joy in your life?
Can you define what joy is for you?
Would you be willing to set a few moments aside to find yourself some joy?

Maybe in a world caught up in an information frenzy, we could do with a bit of daydreaming now and then on what is beautiful, inspiring, uplifting, wonderous, extraordinary, mysterious, lovely, generous, amazing, creative, imaginary and meta-physical?

"One joy scatters a hundred griefs" (Chinese proverb)

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