Sunday 1 March 2020

Is success the same as happiness?

What do we mean when we use the word success?
Fame? Fortune? Big house, big boat, big car, big bank account,
big presence in society, a big footprint?
After years of training, a man finally reaches the top
of the mountain. He plants his flag to mark the event.
''I did it!'' he says proudly to himself.
He admires the view, takes a big breath of fresh air,
and then......he is quite unexpectedly overcome
by feelings of melancholia.
''Now what?'' he asks himself.

Success, if defined very broadly, can perhaps be
defined as a satisfying outcome to an accomplishment/goal/undertaking.
I can't help but wonder why so many seemingly highly
successful people somehow just don't seem that happy.
Daily there are reports in the media on ''successful'' people being 
caught up in all manner of scandals and behaving ''badly''.
Is there perhaps an element of self-corrosion in too much success?
Is the struggle and hard work that it takes to achieve 
success(as defined by the pursuer) the rewarding/satisfying bit
rather than the ''planting of the flag''?
Maya Angelou defines success this way:
''Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and
liking how you do it.''
As far as I can ascertain, there are many different reasons
as to why so many of us seek success, but perhaps the most important
reason for why we do so has a lot to do with what we envisage
 success may bring us.
According to Frank Sinatra: ''The best revenge is massive success.''
Depending upon the culture we grow up in, I think it's fair
to suggest that our definition of success is highly influenced
by that culture's definition.
Success= wealth. Success= notoriety. Success=power. 
Success=title. Success= Large Media presence. Success=beauty.
The pursuit of success can be a heavy burden if our own 
definition of success is different to the one generally
ascribed to by the society in which we live.
However, when it comes down to it, we can choose whether
we will align ourselves with that definition , or... not.
''Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value.'' said
Albert Einstein.

''Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of
self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your
best to become the best that you are
capable of becoming.''
(John Wooden)

What does success mean for me?
A kind and open heart,
a willingness to listen,
a patient and compassionate mindset,
and an eagerness to learn.

What does it mean for you?

about the image: inks and pen on paper

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