Sunday 29 March 2020

Sometimes it takes a crisis for us to learn........

The girl with the far-away look in her eyes.
What is she seeing?

It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining and there is a mild
breeze rustling the leaves in the trees.
Our cat is still waiting at the door to be feed, the birds
are still tweeting, the crickets are still chirping and 
that annoying dog across the field is still barking.
Just another ordinary day.
Well, not really.
Looking back at history, mankind as a whole has faced
threats to its existence on a number of occasions.
Whether those threats were man-made, nature-made, or
a combination of both, they have all been very costly.
Costly, but also informative. One of mankind's strengths
in my view, is that we seem to learn ''things'' from our
Our men and women of the ''frontier''...scientist/psychologists/
biologists/ sociologists/researchers/physicists/etc.etc.
take the information/data/stats from the ordeals and then 
transform it (when or if possible) into appliable knowledge.
Once we know how to overcome our threat, we move forward.
Right now however, we are in our ''gathering info'' stage and for most
of us it is scary.
Unfortunately, when we are scared we often do things
that in hindsight we probably wished we would't have done.
It can be difficult to take the ''high road'' when we feel that
our family's existence is threatened, so we need to be mindful
of the truism: United we stand, divided we fall.

We may not like being told to stay home,
 remember, there are those who have no home.
We may not like being told to not hang with our friends,
remember, there are those who have no friends.
We may not like to be told to stay with our families,
remember, there are those who have no family to stay with.
We may not like to be told what we can and cannot buy,
remember, there are those who cannot afford to buy even
the essentials.
We may not like to be told that we have to do our jobs from home,
remember, there are those who no longer have a job.

While our men and women of the frontier work day and night
to find a way to overcome this threat, the rest of us can
assist them by not running amok and so cause unnecessary
and avoidable damage and pressure to an already
difficult situation.

''It may not feel like it,
but every new day,
we are given
 the opportunity
to choose
what kind of person
we want to be.
Whether we want to
overcome life's obstacles
or be overcome
by them.''
(Citizen Z)

about the image: photo edited in Photoshop

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