Sunday 13 October 2019

Give peace a chance.....and let go of the ego

The peace sign was first used in 1958, designed by British
artist Gerald Holtom.
He made it for a Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament march,
but the sign has since come to represent peace in general.

World Peace. Is it a possibility?
According to many Miss Universe hopefuls, world peace is
often quoted as being their number one priority.
There is such a thing as an International Day of Peace, often
called ''World Peace day'', observed annually on the 21 September.
However, the number of countries committed to observing it each
year is information I unfortunately could not find.
(Perhaps there is no actual number.)
If we mean ''the absence of any conflict, violence and/or hostility'' when
we use the term peace, then in my view, world peace is
not possible. Which does not mean that world peace is not
something to strive towards, it most definitely is,
I am just not so sure that human beings are capable
of making it happen.
A disagreement, a difference of opinion, a misunderstanding, can
easily escalate into a conflict, which can easily escalate into hostility
and violence of some kind.(verbal and/or physical)
And it does not take much sometimes for a serious conflict to arise:
''My team is the best! What? No way, my team is way better.
Hip-hop is the best music! What?? You're crazy, Metal rules!
That's my parking spot! That's my seat! You cheated!
I wasn't ready! etc.etc.etc.''
The smallest of a perceived slight can start a fight.
With someone we love, with a friend, with a colleague,
 with a family member, even with a stranger.
The ego, a pesky critter that we all possess,
often has a short fuse and it doesn't take much for it
to take a hold of our emotions and ability to think and behave
''The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one. Letting
the ego illusion become your identity can prevent you from
knowing your true self. Ego, the false idea that what you
have or what you do, is a backwards way of assessing and
living your life.'' (Wayne Dyer)

Gandhi: ''Be the change you want to see in the world.''
World peace, that's a tall order for any one person to achieve,
but becoming a peaceful person, is in my view 
 very possible.
The rambunctious ego can be managed and subdued
with a little help of mindfulness and self-reflection.
For instance:
Give up trying to ''control'' people and outcomes.
Find some time, even if just a few minutes here and there, to be still.
(Turn off all i-Thingy's)
Try to be open-minded and not engage in absolutism.
(Black and white thinking) Do some self-reflection,
and review your positions/opinions now and then.
Try to be tolerant towards others and yourself.
Let go of the past and embrace the now.

If we were to decide to seek peace and co-operation,
tolerance and open-mindedness rather than to be ''right''
as our primary goal, wouldn't that be great?
Coz maybe then, we would be able
to give peace a chance.

about the image: Teddy makes a stand for peace. 
Ink and water colour on paper. Edited in Photoshop.

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