Monday 10 December 2018

When the whales stop singing, we are in trouble........

The other day some folks found over a dozen dead whales on one our 
golden beaches. They tried to save them, but it was too late.
These beautiful, gentle giants of the ocean, musicians extraordinaire, 
seemingly had become unfortunate victims of this planets greatest and 
most effective ''beast'/predator'' of all: mankind.
Supposedly us human beings are gifted with the ability to reason, and that
ability is supposed to separate us from the ''beasts''.
If being able to reason is a gift, I don't think we are terribly good
stewards of it. What I mean is, we often
 use ''reason'' to explain why A is better/truer and more logical than B,
as in ''I am right you are wrong'', and so convinced,
with self-righteous conviction and determination off we go to ''battle''.
As we are supposedly superior to other living creatures due to 
our ability to reason, what we need, want and desire, 
is obviously what matters the most....(sarcasm).
I don't know about you, but I am worried about what we, mankind, is
doing to this planet and to all living things we share it with.

We may view ourselves as superior, after all, mankind has produced
incredible feats of many a kind; in the sciences, medicine, art,
 literature, architecture,  etc.etc. but perhaps
 it may be wise for us to remember that our progress 
has not been achieved without costs.
(Well, you know what I mean I am sure, so I wont go any deeper into what
the costs may be.)

What kind of planet will we have if we exhaust every
ocean of all its inhabitants,
if we lay bare all the lands of its trees,
if we pollute and poison all our feathered and winged creatures of the air,
if we abuse our good earth until it can no longer yield a crop?
In our pursuit of more.....more, more of everything,
will we in fact end up with nothing?
But, so far,
The whales are still singing, the birds still tweeting,
the insects still humming, the fish still jumping,
the lions still roaring, the horses still neighing,
the brooks still bubbling, the wheat still growing.

If reason is a gift, perhaps it is time for us to put it to good use
and figure out how we can sustain all forms of life, rather than
insisting on being ''right''. 

(Most of us have a need to be ''right'' more than anything
else, well, so says the smart ones.)

(I had a thought the other day; while human beings were busy with
dropping bombs and other nasty, destructive things on each
other(two world wars), were the whales still singing?)

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