Tuesday 7 July 2015

Overcoming pain......

Once upon a time, there was a young girl.
Not of noble birth, but yet a glistening pearl.
She had dreams and hopes like most girls do,
for inner wishes and longings to come true.
But her body was against her, or so it seemed,
because excruciating pain, invaded all her dreams.
She tried so very hard, nay, she tried her very best,
to ignore the searing pain, to find some well-earned rest.
This pearl of a girl, had a kind and caring mother,
so she could see, her daughter's daily struggle,
so she offered to help, to try to find a way,
to relieve some pressure, to rub the pain away.
Her mother tried her best, to relieve some of the pain,
and for a short brief moment, the girl felt whole again.
But as it was no cure, just a temporary measure,
the pain returned, and with it, all its pressure.
Many were the days, and many were the nights,
when the young girl wished to leave, to just take flight,
to escape her broken body, to leave her pain behind,
to find some lasting stillness, to find some peace of mind.
But inspite of all the pain, she bravely carried on,
inside her broken body, she carried a heart of gold.
In her there was no menace, no spite, no hate, no guile,
this girl was very precious, a very precious child.
Pain is a leveller, a tyrant, a teacher, a night-marish dweller,
who demands our attention, and kills all pretention,
but as mighty and powerful pain seems to be,
faced with love, hope, and courage, it can but flee.
(Citizen Z)
Dear Rose, I hope this story will bring some small measure of comfort for you, your friend Citizen Z

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