Monday 18 August 2014

Seeing with new eyes........

Seeing with fresh eyes.
"The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes", wrote Marcel Proust.
Some suggest that our minds are "pattern making machines"; human beings have the ability to recognise and act upon patterns, no matter how small the sample. Once we know a pattern, we no longer have to consciously consider everything we do.  Learning to tie our shoe laces, learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, learning to drive a car; what initially required great conscious effort, once mastered seemingly needs little conscious effort. Apparently, just like we learn an "action-pattern", we also do so when it comes to our thought processes. (thinking patterns)
We observe, and then make our decisions based on what those patterns tell us. Thing is, our mind can be subject to a great many different kinds of errors of the conceptual and perceptual kind.
(For example: judging a book by its cover, allowing a first impression to be the only impression of someone/something, making up our minds about something because that is how our friends, families, etc... view it, and so on)
If we want to see something with fresh eyes, we have to challenge our perceptions.
We need to ask ourselves whether there are other possible ways to view/perceive something/someone.
Perhaps we have considered grey, rainy days as miserable, however, if we viewed them from the angle of the importance of rain for nature to thrive, we may view those rainy days as wonderful and life sustaining.
If we have considered animals as unintelligent and subjugated creatures, perhaps if we instead viewed them as creatures with their own unique attributes and wonderful contributions, we may find ways to treat them with more respect and care.
If we have considered people who think differently to us as mislead and ill-informed, perhaps if we instead viewed them as interesting and thought provoking, we may discover ideas and beliefs that enrich our own thinking.
If we have considered other nations traditions and cultures as primitive and substandard to our own, perhaps if we instead viewed them as different and intriguing, we may discover forms of artistic expression and communication that may compliment our own.
If we have considered poverty and unemployment as signs of weakness, perhaps if we instead viewed such as misfortune and trying circumstances, we may discover within ourselves more compassion.
If we are prepared to step out of our routines, think in new ways, adopt new ideas, walk down that road less travelled, we will have the opportunity to see things with fresh eyes.
Why not take a bus or a train to an unknown destination? You may discover something wonderful. Why not try some food you've never tasted before? You may discover something delectable.
Why not listen to some music you've never heard before? You may discover something sublime.
Why not speak to a stranger? You may find a friend.
Why not go for a walk in a park or a forest? You may find a connection with nature.
Why not turn off all electrical gadgets and light a few candles? You may find stillness of the soul.
Why not close your eyes and just listen? You may hear your own inner voice.
The possibility to "see with fresh eyes" begins now.
Each new moment offers an opportunity for us to view things from a new perspective.

“I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was." (Ransom Riggs)

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