Tuesday 5 August 2014

How to have a better day...........

For just one day,
what if.......
This day we were to begin our day with gratitude in our hearts; for those things we often take for granted until they are taken away from us, water, air, light. For just one day, remembering that without them life is not possible.
what if
This day we focus our energy and attention on what is right in our life, what we love in life,
what we want to give to life. For just one day living life one moment at the time; present in every precious one.
what if
During this day every word that we speak is carefully chosen and the chosen words are without hidden daggers. For just one day our words are clear, precise; chosen not snatched; honest and deliberate.
what if
This day we decide to not find fault in others, instead we decide to find what is admirable; we seek not to put down but to raise up. For just one day our attention is on what we can give rather than receive.
what if
This day we ask ourselves what we can offer to help others in need; without judgement or prejudice.
For just one day not asking why someone is in need, but how we best can help.
what if
This day we treasure what we have, not what we want. For just one day ignoring our desire for more in exchange for remembering what we already have.
what if
This day we make love our motivation, patience our approach, kindness our attitude, compassion our stance. For just one day forgetting that which divide us in favour of what unites us.
what if
We make this day today.

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