Monday 3 June 2024

If despair your way comes, ignore bumper-sticker solutions.........


The above image is a photo(edited in Elements) I shot 
of a very large sculpture. So large actually, that I was able to
 walk around inside of it.
(I'm not sure of what kind of metal the artist used to make the 
sculpture but my guess is
that it is made of some kind of treated bronze.)
 I guess I can now say with ''authority'' that I have actually 
been inside someone's/a ''head''?

 I have noticed, is a word that when used
often seem to have the same effect as when someone 
yells: FIRE! 
In my opinion it is a loaded word, a ''dangerous'' word 
because I believe it connects us with very heavy emotions
that most of us prefer to avoid having anything to do with.
Despair, may I suggest, although not contagious
or visible, somehow still ''radiates'' something
that makes us feel uncomfortable in the
company of it.
Which is unfortunate because for a person who 
is experiencing despair and utter ''darkness'',
a kind gesture my be that little spark of hope
 that helps to turn the ''light'' back on.

As far as I can ascertain, despair is not something
that ''one falls into'', despair is the result of an accumulation
of a number of different emotional states experienced
over an x amount of time.
Although we may all deal with difficult/traumatic/challenging
 events in our own way and all have differing
points at which we may become overwhelmed,
I believe that there are some difficulties
that people experiencing despair have in common.
Such as:
Financial difficulties, chronic illnesses, loss of
any kind; a job, an animal, a beloved human, property,
relationship problems, workplace problems, to mention a few.
Like the lyrics of many a blues and country tune laments: 
''Feeling so down, all time blue,
 coz I lost my job, then my wife, 
and then my dog died too.''

Despair, although a very difficult emotional state
to go through, in my view is not something
a person can ''snap out of'', it's not the same
as being sad, miserable or ''negative'',
it is a very legitimate and valid emotional state.
Minimizing a person's emotions/feelings with
bumper sticker slogans like: don't be so negative,
look at the bright side, things could be worse,
at least you don't have.....etc. etc.
 rather than ''pep'' a person up often tends to
invalidate that person's emotions.
Two words come to mind that I believe
may be useful/helpful to offer someone
who is going through despair:
Support and Understanding.

Two acts that come to mind that I believe
may be useful/helpful to offer someone 
who is going through despair:
Listening and Compassion.

''Despair is vinegar from the wine of hope.
Despair is good.
Despair can be the nadir of one life
and the starting point of the ascent
into another,
better one.''
(Dean Koontz)

about the image: Photo, some editing
in Elements
Title: The face of Despair

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