Friday 11 August 2023

What's the point of life?

-What's the point? he said.
-What do you mean? I asked.
-I mean, what is the point really? From the second we 
draw our first breath, the process of us dying begins.

Darn, that's a chilling statement methinks.
Although, also true.
However, true as it may be,
between drawing our first breath and exhaling our last,
a lot of life and living happens.
I've pondered the question: ''What's the point of life?''
many, many times.
What I have discovered is that perhaps: the point of life
is to find it. (the point)
perhaps there is no objective, singular, immutable, irrefutable,
point that drives us all.
Perhaps there as many different ''points'' swirling about
as there are human beings.
(''Points'', as far as I can ascertain, are highly individualized.)
What if life and living is a continuous flailing about
collecting, exchanging, finding and fulfilling different ''points''?
For some of us it may be important to know what
specific ''points'' are important to us.
As for instance: It's important for me to be happy, to do
well in life, to be healthy, to be a good person, to believe in
something bigger than myself, to care about others, to
care about the planet, etc. etc. etc.....
Knowing what is important to us can provide us with a sense
of purpose, a direction, a sense of ''control'' 
and perhaps even a feeling that there is a ''higher'' meaning
to our lives.

Though it is true that from the second we 
draw our first breath, the process of us dying begins.
It is also true that from the second we draw our
first breath, the process of life and living begins.

What is the point of life?
To live every moment of it.
As every single human being has a point of beginning
and a point of ending,
 what we do and how we live our lives 
between the beginning and the end,
is ultimately, 
(in my view,)
 what really matters.

''The mystery of human existence
lies not just in staying alive,
but in finding something to live for.''
(Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

about the image: Acrylic on wood board
''Light equals life''

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