Sunday 15 January 2023

Remembering the bigger picture..........

War. What is it good for?
In my view.....absolutely nothing.

I have, or so I have been told, a very busy mind.
And as of yet, ..... I have not managed to find an off-switch.
This can be problematic at times as it can make it very
hard for me to fall asleep at night.
Though I have not yet found an off-switch, I have found
a way to distract my busy mind enough in order
for the ''rest of me'' to fall asleep.
 I have re-discovered the radio.
 Not only that, I have found a radio station that plays
incredibly interesting and thought provoking ''talking'' 
programs all through the night. 
(Sort of like TED talks on interesting subjects but on the radio.)
Most of the time I fall asleep within an hour or so
but a few nights ago ......not so much.
-Why, is Pjutin doing this??!!! We have lost everything!!!
Every night we must spend under ground, no proper food,
no heat, no clean water, children scared, old people hurt!!
This war is crime, it is madness!!!
Bombs destroying and killing and everywhere everything
smashed, broken, and burned black.
The woman's voice broke and she burst into crying.
Laying in a comfortable bed in a comfortable room
in a comfortable house in a comfortable country,
I suddenly felt uncomfortable.
Actually, not only uncomfortable but also as if 
I had been reprimanded.
Deservedly so.
Granted, my past week had been a ''biggie'' with
my mother in hospital with Covid, the dentist telling
me I have to have a very expensive and painful procedure,
my son desperate and in pain, and my lower
jaw constantly dislocating itself causing a lot of pain.
it could be worse.
I could be in Ukraine.
And have to deal with war on top of it.
What about all the people who were dealing with
incredibly difficult and heartbreaking issues already before
Pjutin decided to make their lives even worse by destroying
everything he could? 
Their homes, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, churches,
community centers, shops, infra structures, etc. etc. etc.
War is such a blunt instrument that even if Pjutin should ''win''
the war, he loses, because there will be nothing left of Ukraine
except for the ruins of a once beautiful country and culture.

''All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking
animal.'' (John Steinbeck)

''War does not determine who is right - only who is left.''
(Bertrand Russel)

It can be easy to become so wrapped up in one's own
trials and tribulations that one forgets about
the bigger perspective.
Like it's been said: ''He cried because he had no shoes
until he met a man who had no feet.'' 
I try to remind myself when I feel overwhelmed
by life that ''it could be worse, on top of everything
that seems so hard, at least there's no-one dropping
bombs on me.''

about the image: acrylic on large canvas
Title: ''Powerful men start wars, but the dying is done by the poor.''

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