Tuesday 25 May 2021

What's so good about caring?.......

Why should we care about others?
Are we even able to truly care about others without (though
probably subconsciously) it somehow
being (in some form or another), transactional?
Is there a ''right amount'' of caring for instance?
In order for us to deem something/someone worthy
of our care, is there some sort of ''test'' to be passed?
Are we capable of bypassing any moral and or ethical
judgements and just care regardless?
Or do we care because when we care for others we
feel better about ourselves?
Is ''true'' altruism (=selfless concern for the benefit of others)
 even possible?
At the bottom of every good ''deed'' that we do for
the benefit of someone/something else, can we really
be sure that personal gratification of some form
does not enter into it?
 My so far humble research into this matter tells me that
there is no definitive answer.
A being who experiences itself as a self, is such a being capable
of experiencing anything outside of the self?
What do we mean with caring?
When I began this post I did not realize just how
difficult it is to pinpoint what caring is. For instance:
 It is something one does, it something one experiences on
an emotional level, and often it involves a lot of different feelings
and thoughts.
In my view, it seems caring is a complicated mixture of
social conditioning, personal background/history, ethical
and moral perspective, and functioning belief system.
''Caring is the right thing to do, caring about others
makes us good people, caring for each other is the foundation
of a good society, my folks always told me that
 caring for each other is what a family does, etc. etc.''
For some of us, caring comes easy, for some of us others,
not so much. According to some recent research done
on some students in the US, tests show that students
have been scoring lower and lower on empathy(caring) tests.
In an episode of the Simpsons a teary-eyed Lisa asks her father:
''But dad, why don't you say something?''
Homer: ''Because I just don't care, Lisa.''
For Lisa, not caring is not an option. 
She cares about everything.
Some research say, many of us don't.
But we can change.
Every new day we are given, we are given
 an opportunity to care more deeply,
more passionately, and more sincerely.

''Every act of caring, carries with it its own unique reward.''
(Citizen Z)

''Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For, indeed, that's all who ever have.''
(Margaret Mead)

''Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or
the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential
to turn a life around.''
(Leo Buscaglia)

about the image: acrylic on canvas, some photoshop editing

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