Wednesday 26 August 2020

Hard does not mean impossible.......

I have often wondered why we are mean to each other.
Why do we purposefully say things that we know will
Why are kind people often viewed as ''weak''?
Why is a gentle person often regarded as a ''push-over'' ?
Why is having a heart of gold not as important
as being self-assured?

It may be hard but not impossible to change our ways:
To choose kindness rather than meanness,
to choose words that uplifts rather than tear down,
to choose gentleness rather than harshness,
to choose to aim for a heart of gold rather than a pot of gold.
It may be hard but not impossible to: encourage rather than correct,
to support rather than criticize, to give rather than take,
and to love rather than hate.

''If we wait for others to change the world,
we may have to wait forever.
 If we change ourselves, the world
 as we perceive it will immediately be changed.''
(Citizen Z)

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