Sunday 26 July 2020

A little act of kindness is never wasted.............

''Alright children, settle down. Now, before
we finish for the week, I would like to give you
a task to do over the weekend.
''Yes, Neville?''
''Miss, do we have to, isn't school everyday enough?''
''You know what, Neville, sometimes it is and sometimes
it isn't. Don't worry, this task is not big.
All I want you to do is to write down what you think being
kind means. It does not have to be long, only about
30 words or so.''
''30 words!!! But that's too many, Miss!''
Simon shakes his head and then lets out a groan.
''Okay children, make sure that you put your notebooks
in your bags because I would like you to not use
the computers for this task but to write it by hand."
Simon groans again.
''Everyone knows what to do? Okay, well, have a really
 good weekend everyone and see you on Monday.''

''A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions,
and the roots spring up and make new trees.''
(Emilia Earhart)

''In a study conducted by Dr. Sonja Lyuborminsky,
psychology Professor at the University of California,
Riverside, students were assigned to do five random acts
of kindness per week for a period of six weeks.
At the end of the study, the students' level of happiness
had increased by 41.66 %. Being kind had a profoundly
positive effect on happiness.'' (Inc.)

about the image: Ink and water colour pencils on paper
edited in Photoshop

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