Monday 27 May 2019

''Can I have a prescription for a happy life please, Doc?''

''There is more than one way to live a life,'' he said.
I agreed.
                           Is there a ''prescription'' for life that guarantees a ''happy'' life?
                           Is there a prescription that guarantees a pain free life?
                           Is there a prescription that guarantees a life free from hardship?
                           Is there a prescription that guarantees a life of fulfillment?
                           Is there a prescription that guarantees a life free from bouts
                            of loneliness, sadness, regrets, guilt, and a bunch of ''if only's''?
Sadly, no such thing exists.
But then again, what kind of life would life be
if it was free of anything that is difficult, complicated,
sad or hard to deal with?

Wonderful, you may suggest, but, would it really be wonderful?
We may prefer ''positive'' experiences over ''negative'' ones,
but is it perhaps possible that within our negative experiences lies
the potential for something positive to come from it?
Sometimes the way we learn how much something really means to
us is when it is taken away from us.
After a few sleepless nights with a tooth ache/head ache etc. we 
learn to truly appreciate the absence of pain and the satisfaction of a
good night's sleep.
After losing a good friend due to an argument, we may learn that
it's preferable to lose an argument than a friend.
After losing our temperament and saying something hurtful to
our spouse, partner, child, parent, etc. we may learn that
it's preferable to swallow our pride than to hurt someone we love.

Since it isn't possible for us to go to a doctor and get a ''prescription''
for a happy life, it is incumbent on each of us to find our own
The possibilities are numerous, but commonly those of a life
affirming (positive/healthy/uplifting) kind tend to have 
the most positive long-term results in my view..

For some the prescription for a happy life,
is a path void of hardships and free of strife.

For others such as dreamers, leaders and believers,
the path they want to follow, ... imaginary rivers.

Helen Keller: ''A happy life does not consist in the absence, but in
the mastery of hardships.''

''In life there will be obstacles.
Wisdom, insight and maturity are the gifts
that come with them.''
(Citizen Z)

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