Tuesday 9 October 2018

What is pain?....read on to get different perspectives......

There are many words that mean very different things to different people.
My opinion of words is that words are mere approximations, and more
often than not, we apply our very own interpretations and definitions
to words which at times end in congruent outcomes, but at other times
end in misunderstandings and confrontations.
Pain, is one of those words in my view.

"What is pain?'' a child asked a doctor.
''A scale of the numbers one to ten,'' answered the doctor.

''What is pain?" a sapling asked a tree.
''A never-ending chain-saw,'' answered the tree.

''What is pain?'' a foal asked its mother.
''A saddle and a bridle,'' answered the mother.

''What is pain?'' a puppy asked its mother.
''A muzzle and a leash,'' answered the mother.

''What is pain?'' a chick asked its mother.
''Thanksgiving,'' answered the mother.

''What is pain?'' a cub asked its mother.
''A bullet or an arrow,'' answered the mother.

''What is pain?, a kitten asked its mother.
''A cruel child,'' answered the mother.

''What is pain?'' one tooth asked another.
''Sugar,'' answered the other tooth.

''What is pain?'' one toy Teddy asked another.
''Being disregarded,'' answered the other toy Teddy.

''What is pain?'' a flower asked another flower.
''Being cut down,'' answered the other flower.

''What is pain?'' one oyster asked its mother.
''The beginnings of a pearl,'' answered the mother.

''What is pain?'' the student asked his teacher.
''The Master of all teachers,'' answered the teacher.

''What is pain?'' the four winds, the oceans, the forests, the deserts, 
the lakes, the mountains, the airs, the animals, the flowers, the critters,
asked each other.
''Human kind,'' answered the four winds, the oceans, the forests, the deserts, 
the lakes, the mountains, the airs, the animals, the flowers, the critters.
(Citizen Z)

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