Monday 9 July 2018

Stillness, a harbor in the midst of a storm......

Finding stillness in an increasingly loud and tumultuous world can at times be a challenge, 
but in my view, stillness can be a tonic for the mind.

Some definitions define stillness as the absence of sound and or movement, or both.
I would like to add another definition: a mindset, a state of being.
Stillness, in my experience, is something that can be experienced even if we are surrounded by sound and movement.
(I have heard some people say that they find stillness when they go for a jog/walk, or when riding their bicycles early in the mornings, or when they sit on a beach, or when they do laps in a pool, or when they plonk themselves in the middle of nature somewhere, or when they listen to ambient music, or when they listen to the rain, or when they listen to the wind, etc.etc.)

I read somewhere that when we feel overwhelmed, our minds seemingly unable to stop flitting here, there, and everywhere, it can be helpful to take some time and focus all our attention on words that we associate with stillness.
Words such as calm, peace, relax, tranquility, serenity, quiet, placid and so on.
During a particularly turbulent time in my life, I decided to give it a go.
I turned off all sound sources, sat down on the couch, closed my eyes and repeated the words peace, calm, relax, out loud and over and over. Much to my surprise, I could feel myself calming down.
As I became calmer, I was able to visualize myself being an eagle, soaring high above the mountains. Wings outstretched, the wind carrying my body, my eyes seeing the majesty and beauty of the mountains, and a wonderful stillness all around me as I floated gently through the air.
I found that to be such a helpful visualization that I have found myself "soaring" many a times.
(The two paintings above are my "eagle" paintings, I guess they could be called "visual reminders.") 
Perhaps you may also have times when you feel overwhelmed and are finding it difficult to slow down your busy mind?
If so, let's try a little experiment.
Say these words out loud: calm.....still......peaceful......tranquil......relax.....(repeat)

Now imagine:

An open field
slowly moving,
in time with the wind,
with flowers blooming.

Specks of yellow,
corn blue and white,
as if they are dancing,
a magnificent sight.

You are here
watching it all,
feeling quite calm,
at the sight of it all.

Smell the flowers,
 hear the birds sing,
taste the breeze
the coolness it brings.

Whatever was,
whatever may be,
don't hold on to,
just set it free.
(Citizen Z)

This is just a suggestion, whatever place, imagined or not, which when you think of it it brings you stillness, visit it often.

"The inner is foundation of the outer.
The still is master of the restless."
(Lao Tzu)

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