Monday 6 June 2016

Finding instant heart-re-charge.......

A picture paints a thousand words.......

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder......

Does a landscape have to be photographically accurate in order to be considered beautiful?

Can something be scary, yet still beautiful?
Can a man be considered a "beauty" in the same sense as a woman?
(this is a painting of Zac, my son's friend)
What exactly is "beauty", and why does it pull at our emotions? Why do we "feel" things when we experience something beautiful?
How do we decide what to consider beautiful?
How is it that experiencing beauty can somehow make life seem "fuller" for some of us?
It seems that defining exactly why experiencing something beautiful makes us "feel" something is not an easy thing, actually, I am yet to find any substantial information on this...however...may I ask: Is there beauty in your life, do you enjoy beautiful things(whatever they are to you: music, nature, art, etc.etc)?
As a person who enjoys beauty where ever it can be found, may I suggest this: Look for beauty and the beautiful no matter what......when beauty touches the heart it's like an instant "re-charge".
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart", so said Helen Keller. (who was both deaf and blind yet earned a bachelor of arts degree)

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