Sunday 20 March 2016

A childs view......and solution....

An open letter to the adults of the world from the children of the world
When children fight, you tell us to stop and make up,
so why don't you?
When children take stuff from other children,
you tell us it's wrong and to give it back,
so why don't you?
When children are mean to other children,
you tell us it's wrong and that we should be nice to others,
so why are you mean to others?
When children don't want to play with other children because they are different,
you tell us we shouldn't exclude others just because they are different,
so why do you do so to other adults?
When bigger children push smaller children about because they are smaller,
you tell us that that's bad and that we should treat everyone the same,
so why don't you?
When children lie and don't tell the truth,
you tell us that that's acting cowardly and that we should always tell the truth,
so why don't you?
When children hit other children, you tell us that that's not okay, that hitting someone never solves any problems,
so why is it okay for you to hit others?
When children want to play with guns and knives, or other sharp things, you tell them that they shouldn't because it's dangerous and that people can get hurt,
so why do you?
When children ask why there are so many starving children in the world, why some children have to run away from their homes, why some children don't have clean water to drink, why some boys have to become soldiers, why some girls have to get married although they are still kids, why so many children have to die although they didn't do anything wrong,
you tell us it's complicated.
It's not complicated.
Just Stop.

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