Sunday 29 April 2012

The value of "I don't know"

Why do good people do bad things? Why are some children born with incurable diseases? Why do we sometimes lie instead of telling the truth? Why did my brother have to die so young? and so on......there is no shortage of why?'s. Why is a word that can lead to many things; new discoveries in medicine, science, philosophy, psychology, arts, and many other areas, however, "why" can also be a springboard into to profound sadness and despair, bitterness and unforgiveness. Seems us humans put much value in the word "why". For some it can be a frustration not being able to answer every why, and for others, every why opens a portal to new discoveries, and then theres all the positions in between ofcourse.
When my brother died barely making it out of child into a budding teenager, "why" was my constant companion and nemesis. I was hoping that if I knew why, then the pain would be less, but I never got an answer, and still don't have one, but I no longer need it because I have learnt the value of not knowing. Not knowing offers endless possibilities, not knowing offers trusting, not knowing offers the opportunity of coping with uncertainty. I used to try to rationalize an acceptable answer to why my brother died so young, but now embracing not knowing, he is free to soar in my heart, forever a 14 year old boy with a smile that could melt a block of ice. There are so many things that happen in a lifetime and so many times when we think that having a concrete answer to our "why's?"will help us move forward, I however, have finally learnt to appreciate: "I don't know", and for someone who was born with a permanent "why" on her lips, this is a step forward, believe me.
Ofcourse, this is not the path for every one, it's just a path I have found to be very freeing. If I come across a particularily stubborn why, I ask myself; why is it so important for me to have an absolute answer to this question? will not the answer, "there are many possibilities" do? Maybe it's about understanding when asking "why" will hinder or help us, maybe it's about accepting? I don't know,
but I'm ok with that, because there are many possibilities and I intend to entertain them all.

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