Tuesday 4 April 2023

From little words big words grow..........

While scanning in my items at the check-out the 
long-haired, friendly young man suddenly asked me:
-So, have you done anything interesting today?
Caught off guard and lost in my own world I said something
''intelligent'' such as: -Sorry, can you repeat the question?
-Well, I try to find something interesting to do every
day. It makes life much richer I find. Don't you? he
-Interesting? Well, I just posted a new bit on my blog
if you consider that as interesting, I answered.
-Well, what's it about? he asked.
-Hmm, well, I guess one could call it ''snack-sized''
philosophical/psychological ponderings on common
human quandaries, I answered.
-Can you give me the address for it? I would like
to have a look.
So I did. 
On the way home from the supermarket I kept
thinking about what I find ''interesting'' in life.
Answer: almost everything.
But for the last 20 years I have been fascinated by
words and how we use them.
Lately, I have been pondering how words at times can 
be likened to seeds and how us humans can be likened
to pots.
Perhaps how we will be affected by words depend on whether
our pots contain ''fertile'' soil, ''sand'' or ''little rocks''?
Words, loosely defined: a combination of letters used
orally and or in writing.
Although we may experience the words we choose to use
as specific, as far as I can ascertain, they seldom are
because in my view words are predominately interpreted 
and understood according to each of our experiences
and interpretations of the words.
 When we converse/talk, we swing between 
being messengers(seeds) and receivers of words(pots).
Whether we are messaging or receiving, the words
used will be interpreted in a way that then will inform how
we will respond.

Back to the seeds and the pots.
For the purpose of this post, when I use the term
 seeds I am referring to seeds ''planted'' with the intention
of a ''good/healthy/fruit bearing'' outcome.
Seed: -Are you okay?
Pot with fertile soil: -Thanks for asking, and yes, I'm
good. You?
Pot with sand: -Sure. 
Pot with rocks: -Why? Shouldn't I be?

Seed: -Do you need some help with that?
Pot with fertile soil: -So glad you asked. Yes, please.
Pot with sand: -Sure.
Pot with rocks: -Do I look like I need some help?
No need, I'm fine.

Seed: -You don't look good. Do you wanna talk about it?
Pot with fertile soil: -I am feeling a bit down. Yes, I
would like to talk about it if you've got the time.
Pot with sand: -Sure.
Pot with rocks: -I'm good. There's nothing to talk about.
etc. etc. etc.

''Between a stimulus and a response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.''
(Victor Frankl)

''Watch your thoughts, they become your words,
Watch your words, they become your actions,
Watch your actions, they become your habits,
   Watch your habits, they become your character,
  Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.''

Us humans are experts at misunderstanding each other,
of responding without thinking first, of using words
that we know will hurt, of sowing seeds of doubt
rather than seeds of hope, of feigning blindness when
faced with others suffering, of becoming deaf when
voices of discontent arise, of becoming mute when
we should speak up.

''We must be diligent,
we must be resilient,
we must be sufficient,
and never indifferent,
if we're still to believe
we've invented a humane society.''
(Citizen Z)

about the image: photo taken with my old crappy Canon.

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