Tuesday 7 February 2023

One Heart..........

 Carefully he opened the old wooden door.
Making as little noise as possible he tiptoed into
the darkness of the temple.
Fearing discovery he quickly squatted behind a small
As the minutes passed and all remained still, he decided
that nobody knew that he was there.
His eyes searched for movement, but there was none.
Slowly he rose to his feet.
Once again his eyes searched for movement.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of air.
As he was doing so he felt as if his whole body
was filled to the brim by a sweet, sweet scent.
A sense of stillness, calmness, flowed through him
He felt as if for the first time he was almost weightless.
Slowly he started to sway his body back and forth.
Gone was his grumbling stomach, his aching feet,
his sadness, and his loneliness.
He kept swaying a little longer then opened his eyes.
His eyes now used to the darkness he could see
that at the far end of the space he was in there was
a large statue of some sort.
Carefully he made his way toward the statue.
The statue was so big that it made him feel even smaller
than usual.
-This must be a very important man, he said himself.
Not knowing who the man was didn't matter to him,
because looking at statue made him feel peaceful.
Although the stone floor was quite cold and he
was only dressed in an over-sized old t-shirt,
he decided to sit down in front of the statue for awhile.
Placing his legs in a lotus position,
crossing his arms across his chest, he closed his
eyes and again gently swayed back and forth.
Again he felt weightless.
Suddenly, a new scent entered his consciousness.
He knew the scent, it was the scent of candles.
Candles meant people.
He quickly got to his feet with his eyes darting
here, there and everywhere.
Somebody touched him.
Instantly his whole body froze with fear.
Living on the streets had taught him to
be weary of people as they often come in many
He remained frozen.
Until...... an old woman dressed in something white
with blue stripes on it and with a big smile on her
face stood in front of him.
-Come, she said.
Something about her told him that she was good.
-Where to? he asked.
-To get you some food and decent clothing, she answered.
Just follow me, she continued.
So he did.
Sitting down at a table and dipping some bread in a soup
he decided to ask her who the statue man was.
-Who is the statue man? he asked in a gentle voice.
-Oh, him, he was somebody who knew what we
all need, she answered.
-A good man?
-Oh, yes, a very good man with very much to teach us.

Many Faiths. One Heart. Common Action.

about the image: acrylic on canvas, some Elements editing

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