Wednesday 1 June 2022

Whether we are holding a ''stick'' in our hand or the latest iPhone, the mind and body attached to the hand still has the same needs.

These are turbulent times.
Uncertain times, 
bewildering times,
unpredictable times.
Well, at least so it seems to me.
Us humans, we don't much like uncertainty hence
we have created something we call science.
And science, is a ''systematic enterprise that builds and
organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations
and predictions of the universe''.
With the help of science we have been able to transform many
mysteries and uncertainties into firm and trustworthy knowledge
which in turn has assisted us in being able to make predictions
about what may transpire in the future.
Add to this technology.
Technology, in my view is basically the application of science.
Together technology and science continuously diminish the
''unknown'' and the ''uncertain'' and redefines the impossible
to the possible.
Having read this you may ask: ''So why are you saying: these are
uncertain, bewildering, and unpredictable times?''
 Mankind has achieved many scientific/technological/medical/etc.
 advancements. The uncertain, bewildering, and unpredictable 
I refer to is the emotional and mental state of mind of the
''I'', the me, the you, when we are by ourselves.
However, be that as it may, we have figured out
how to use a printer to make a new heart, how to make machines
talk to us, how to use electricity to run our cars, how to make it possible
to talk on a phone to anybody anywhere at any time, we can walk on
the moon, we can take pictures of a Black Hole, etc. etc. etc.
And yet, according to research....we are more anxious, more depressed, 
more isolated, more addicted, more lost, more confused, and more lonely than
Which makes me wonder: In our pursuit of ''progress'',
pragmatism, materialism and consumerism,
are we neglecting to nurture the ''finer'' aspects of our species?
As human beings, are we advancing?
 Have become better at kindness, compassion, forgiveness, honesty, 
caring, loyalty, understanding, tolerance, self-reflection, generosity, 
 solidarity, acceptance, etc. etc.?
Are we getting better at listening and being understanding of others
perspectives and opinions?
Are we getting better at being open-minded and tolerant of
others from countries and cultures different to ours?
Are we becoming less judgmental and more sympathetic to
others looking and or behaving differently to us?
Having said all this I also feel that I need to say that I acknowledge
that there are some among us who are tirelessly reminding us
that we need to rise above our baser instincts.

How well we connect with others is paramount to our survival.
Our brains and nervous systems need the attentiveness
and attunement(harmony) with others as much as we need
food and water. We also need it as it assists with our development
and emotional self-regulation. (According to attachment theory,
social baseline theory and neuroscience.)
In short, we need others so we need to be able to get along with
To get along with others we need to be genuine, compassionate,
honest, open-minded, good listeners, trustworthy, supportive
and .... available.
To do this, we need words.
In my view, with our words we create and define our worlds.
Having an understanding of the power and impact that words have
gives us the opportunity to choose the words we use.
A few words of kindness can potentially:
make a person who feels invisible feel visible,
a person who feels insignificant feel significant,
a person who feels alienated feel connected,
a person who feels lonely feel included.

It can be easy to become seduced by mankind's many
scientific and technological achievements as
they are many and amazing.
But, whether we are holding a ''stick'' in our hand or
the latest iPhone, the mind and body attached to the hand
still has the same needs.
The need for a safe space, for food and water, loving
relationships and connections with others, recognition
and esteem, and the freedom to pursue his/her ''dreams''/talents.
Perhaps time has come for mankind to put down some of our
glitzy ''toys'' for a moment and instead spend more quality time on
how we can become more emotionally evolved human beings.

''The greatness of humanity is not in being a human, 
but in being humane.''
(Mahatma Gandhi)

about the image: pastel, ink on canvas  My feeble attempt
at illustrating thoughts/words and how at times they
seem to appear as a skyfall of colours in my mind

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