Monday 14 June 2021

There is solace to be found in the arts........

 They called her ''Lady Day'', but her real name was Eleanora Fagan.
Professionally she was known as Billie Holiday, and though she
didn't live a long life, her artistry still lives on today.
Her life was not a happy one. Already at the tender age of nine she
had to learn to fend for herself. 
When she was 15 years old she renamed herself ''Billie'' and
began to sing in local clubs in New York.
Music, she discovered, offered her solace.
Like so many other musicians/artists before and after her,
she struggled with substance abuse, failed relationships and
a life fraught with many hardships.
Eventually her hard life caught up with her and she died
in a hospital on July 17, 1959.
In spite of all her hardship, substance and physical abuse,
she still managed to produce amazing music and is by many
musicians considered as one of the best jazz vocalists of
all time.
''To be a ''real'' artist you need to suffer for your art.''
''You don't know how to play the Blues
unless you've lived it.''
Is there something to the trope of the tortured artist
or is it just another myth?
''We need to stop using ''the myth of the tortured artist'' to
dismiss creatives with mental health issues and instead
recognize the therapeutic potential of art.'' (Cerys Wiles)

Is turmoil and hardship somehow some kind of 
necessary ''fuel'' for creativity?
Is it possible to live a contented, harmonious and happy
life and be a great artist?
Why is an artist's suffering so often perceived as a necessity for a
''true'' artistic expression although recent research shows
that rather than improve creativity, it impedes it?
What if it is not suffering that makes great artists great
but their ability to express emotions that others can connect
and relate to?
Human beings, we are told, are social beings. We like to
share and exchange experiences with others. Doing so
we create relationships, form bonds and help us understand 
ourselves and others. Usually we do this with the use of
words, but sometimes words just aren't enough.
 This.... is the time when the arts can come in handy.

''Art and music shine a light of meaning on ordinary life,
and through them we are able to confront the things that
trouble us and to find consolation and peace in their
presence.'' (Roger Scruton)

''Music expresses that which cannot be said and on
which it is impossible to remain silent.'' (Victor Hugo)

''Music can change the world." (Ludwig van Beethoven)

''Dance is the hidden language of the soul.'' (Martha Graham)

''Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.'' (Edgar Degas)

''When artists give form to revelation, their art can advance,
deepen and potentially transform the consciousness of their
community.'' (Alex Grey)

In my view, it was not all the suffering that Billie Holiday 
experienced that made her a great singer, rather, 
what made her a great singer was that she kept on singing
in spite of her tortuous life.

about the image: ''Lady Day''     ink on paper

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