Sunday 4 June 2017

If mankind looked at itself in the mirror, what would it see?

If mankind took a close look at itself, what would it see?

Would it see a species capable of acts of kindness and generosities
or a species capable of devastating destruction and atrocities?

Would it see a species forever curious and full of imagination
or a species inhibited by fears and lingering bouts of superstition?

Would it see a species embracing its fellow creatures big and small
or a species who uses, abuses, and takes advantage of them all?

Would it see a species who values, treasures what mother nature provides
or a species who takes it all for granted regardless of its supply?

Would it see a species driven by love, tolerance and compassion,
or a species caught up by greed, selfishness and dispassion?

Would it see a species that encourages new ways of thinking
or a species that fears what such might be bringing?

Would it see a species who is inventive and full of potential
or a species much more at ease in being one-dimensional?

Mankind; a mysterious species, 
a riddle, a maze, 
a puzzle missing pieces.

Flawed yet somehow endearing,
anxious yet persevering,
Imaginative, intuitive, 

Capable, culpable,
dysfunctional, combustible,
unflappable, unstoppable,
but apart from all of that,
quite lovable.

Mankind; a singular term for a multitude of unique human beings,
each and every one of us with the power to determine what kind of representatives we want to be for our species.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind." (John F. Kennedy)

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