Wednesday 15 April 2015

The power of hope.........

Beneath the unfolding wings of an angel
From the very beginning she had been told,
"don't be fooled, there is no God".
So she tried very hard to believe what they said,
but decided to believe in angels instead.
What angels looked like
or if they could fly,
for her didn't matter,
she sensed their presence when she cried.
Her life wasn't easy,
it was full of strife,
her parents kept fighting,
night after night.
The angry words,
like daggers they seemed,
cutting and slicing,
destroying all dreams.
To escape from the anger,
and the endless banter,
she would go to the park,
yes, ... even in the dark.
There in the park waited her friend,
 on this she could, ... forever depend.
Beautiful, majestic, there he stood,
always listening, always good.
Though he was made of stone,
not flesh and bone,
she believed he could hear
every word she would share.
Beneath the unfolding
wings of an angel,
she would open her heart,
no tears withholding.
Emptied of pain, fears and tears,
the little girl suddenly, thinks she hears,
the flutter of wings, and voices that sings,
ever so gentle,
but hope it brings.
(Citizen X)
"Hope is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all - .."
(Emily Dickinson)

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